Monday, May 10, 2010

The Pause That Refreshes

Sometimes 'time outs' are necessary. The past few weeks have been busy and productive business-wise with the feeling that items to attend to are escalating, yet at the same time progress is only inching along.

As with many of us, attempting to do many things at once has been standard operating procedure. In a recent household incident, I scalded my wrists while attempting to break pasta over boiling water. I later recognized the experience as a wake up call to slow down. As I described the debacle to a close friend, she asked, "Is anyone home?"

"Humor in truth," I thought. Attention in too many directions can counteract the best of intentions. How much do all of us miss by being 'future-task-list-oriented'?

I have a small garden plot that was overrun with weeds. I chose to sit and quietly, methodically, pull them without mentally running to the next 'thing to be done.'

Hands-in-dirt has usually been a good grounding (no pun intended) experience. It opened the door to a reminder that all I have is the current moment. While a tough one to keep in the forefront when most things shout the contrary, a true gift to remember.

© 2010 catherine lenard

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