Monday, August 9, 2010

On Lightening Up: Afterthoughts

It's been a few weeks since I turned in the keys to my storage locker. We all know hindsight is 20/20, but I'd like to pass along an insight. Over the years I've kept storage lockers more than a few times to accommodate various moves. The thought process was to retrieve the items that had always traveled with me when I had sufficient space to accommodate them. It never occurred to me that the cost to keep a storage locker may more than compensate for purchasing replacement items for the stored items if, by then, I wanted them at all.

When I assess my current situation, even though I'm still sorting through retrieved boxes, I am making progress and thrilled that I do not have excess baggage tailing me in the form of a monthly check and the mental burden of "I really gotta get to that someday."

There is a freedom and lightness that grows weekly knowing I'm divesting of outmoded 'stuff' and making room for whatever it is that will reflect who I now am. Simplification is the key and only keeping that which I need or feel good about, in whatever form, is my mantra.

We all have seasons for priorities and I'm grateful to have the season and motivation to 'get it done.' The reward of the end result is too exhilarating to not!

©2010 catherine lenard

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